Job interview nerves are normal. Even the most self-aware get pre-interview jitters they can’t shake off. The jitters don’t make logical sense, but I have clients who take entire days off of their regular job just to feel prepared for interview day.

There are the regular ways to calm yourself; get enough sleep, breathe, have impactful stories to share, go to the interview spot the day before and scope out the parking, iron your outfit, breathe some more, do some of the Amy Cuddy power poses, and drink water.

Everyone knows these ones, and while they are logically smart and work, they often don’t cut it.

These are four weird ways that I personally use to prepare for interviews and events. I have advised others on them too with good success rates. Sometimes doing something completely different than your regular prep is enough to get you out of your head and nerves.

1. Remember your worst moment

Sometimes interview stakes seem so high. People think, “I can’t do this, I am too nervous” and put ultra importance on in it. When I start to put too much importance on an interview, I think about the worst stuff I’ve been through to give it context.

I think about the time I:

– birthed a baby alone and how she died

– coached my sister in law through a still-birth

– delivered a keynote speech to 3,000 people and then delivered the Eulogy at my dad’s funeral the next day.

(Sorry, mine are all death). But, when I think about the big raw stuff I’ve been through, it dwindles the power and hugeness of the job interview. It gives it context. Plus, I am reminded that I am a survivor.

How to do this: Think about times in your life you overcame a big obstacle. The worse the better. Compare the significance of both events to lessen the power of the interview.


2. Imagine yourself blessing the space

The day before the interview, imagine yourself driving/walking/cycling to the interview space. Imagine yourself entering the building (or turning on the computer if it is a virtual interview). Imagine yourself walking into the lobby and interview room and the entire building spreading love and good vibes. I imagine myself walking through with my arms spread out, swaying and smiling as I prepare the space for my arrival the next day. I imagine myself saying kind words and laying the land for my arrival the next day.

On the day of the job interview, I don’t need to be nervous. I have already been here and prepared the space for my energy and answers. I walk into it knowing I have already been here and it is full of supportive and positive vibes.


3. Pretend you’re there for a friend 

I have an easier time helping others than helping myself, so I take the perspective that I am there checking it out for a friend. This means I share stories and ask questions that help me understand if this is a good role for them. This takes the pressure off of me to think I am being assessed, rather than there to start a conversation and to scope it out.

In my mind, I am saying, “this could be a great role for me or Franz, I’ll share some of my favorite stories and if they get me, they’ll get him too.”

You want to present yourself well and communicate clearly so that it makes your friend look good, You equally want to ensure that these people you and your friend would want to work with.


4. Sing and dance out your answers

A big part of feeling prepared is knowing your stories and Tell Me About Yourself.

It can be overwhelming to memorize your responses. So I act them act. Often, in sing-song. This is a way of playing with my scripts and turning them into art.

I also physicalize them by walking out my scripts. I show how to do in this video. Stand up with your interview script in hand. Walk as you read out the words, but every time you hit a period, stop walking. If you hit a comma, I just pause and swing one leg behind me and then keep walking. Exclamation points are little hops. And question marks are twists. This is a fun way to release some tension while getting the scripts and words into your body.


Do you have other weird ways to prepare for interviews? I would love to hear what works for you.